Stand Out From The Crowd!
88% of people make the effort to read reviews before making a purchase!
Studies have also found that a consistent flow of positive reviews correlates with both higher rankings in local search results and more calls and chats from GBPs!
Obtaining a steady stream of positive reviews from happy customers has never been more important! However, it's only one piece of the puzzle.
89% of consumers say that they're more likely to choose a business that actually responds to reviews.
That's why our Review Requests make it easy to request feedback and read and reply to reviews at a click of a button and all within the same conversation stream as all other messages. There's even a quick link to dispute a Google review, should you need to!
You'll be amazed at how quickly you can generate a steady flow of positive reviews, making your business stand out from crowd
Stand Out From The Crowd
88% of people make the effort to read reviews before making a purchase!
Studies have also found that a consistent flow of positive reviews correlates with both higher rankings in local search results and more calls and chats from GBPs!
Obtaining a steady stream of positive reviews from happy customers has never been more important! However, it's only one piece of the puzzle.
89% of consumers say that they're more likely to choose a business that actually responds to reviews.
That's why our Review Requests make it easy to request feedback and read and reply to reviews at a click of a button and all within the same conversation stream as all other messages. There's even a quick link to dispute a Google review, should you need to!
You'll be amazed at how quickly you can generate a steady flow of positive reviews, making your business stand out from crowd.
Try It Out ...
Let's pretend we want to ask you for a review of our services. Simply enter your name and mobile number into the form and see how it works.
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